Maithili Language and Literature Records in Nepal

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Maithili Language and Literature

 Maithili language is an integral part of the entire living civilization of Mithila with a very long history from the ancient period. Having the second largest size for its number of speakers in the country (11.67 percent) it has very rich literary records after Nepali and Nepal Bhasa in Nepal. Known as the King's Language or court vernacular in the medieval Malla period in the Kathmandu valley many of the Malla rulers had created literary works in this language, some noted ones include- Jagajaya Malla, Jitamitra Malla, Bhupatindra Malla, Ranajit Malla, Pratap Malla, Jayaprakash Malla etc., they had mostly composed operas. Besides these, a remarkable number of songs and hymns of the Maithili language are still practised during religious-cultural occasions by the Newar conglomeration in the valley. It had already flourished in the Mithila region of Nepal and India earlier.

Development of this language has been divided into three phases- Primary Period (750-1350) that initiated during the Paal Period, Middle Period (1350-1768) and Modern Period (1950) in between 1768 to 1950 Maithili could not have any significant development due to the state policy so this period is regarded as the dark phase in the development of the Maithili language and literature. It is now written in the Devanagari script but it had "Tirhutiya' or 'Tirhuta' and 'Kaithi' as its scripts in the past. Maithili has different dialects, Bajjika, Angika, Thethi and Jolaha that are spoken in Nepal and India, but the Central Maithili is the only standard version and has been used also for literature.

Pioneer work

'Varsaratnakar' was created by Pandit Jyotishwor Thakur during 1324.

First play

Pandit Jyooritishwor Thakur composed 'Dhurta Samagam', the first play in the Maithili literature in 1325.

Foremost poet of the Maithili

Vidyapati (1350-1448 or 50) was the 'Mahakavi' or the great poet of Maithili. His simple romantic lyrics and poetic works have helped flourish this language to the general people's understanding level.

Oldest conserved manuscript of the Maithili Language

Vidyapati's 'Goraksha Vijay' has been kept in the National Archives, Kathmandu.

First grammar of Maithili

The first grammar of the Maithili language was published by Rudolf Hoernle in 1880.

First published anthology of Maithili poems

'Banna Kathori: Aunait Dhuwan' composed by Rambharos Kapadi "Bhramar' in 1972 was the first Maithili anthology of poems brought out in Nepal.

First Maithili epic in Nepal

Dr. Dhirendra (Dhireshwor Jha) wrote Tripund', the first one Maithili epic in Nepal.

First anthology of short stories

Rambharos Kapadi Bhramar' wrote the first anthology of short stories, ‘Tora Sange Jaybore Kujaba' in 1987.

First book of history on Maithili literature of Nepal

'Nepalak Maithili Sahityik Itihas' was written by Professor Prafulla Kumar 'Maun' in 1972.

First Maithili novel

'Bhorukawa' was the first novel in Maithili in Nepal written by Dr. Dhirendra (Dhireshwor Jha) published in 1983.

First international festival of the Maithili drama in Nepal

Bhanu Kala Kendra of Biratnagar organized Nepal's first international festival of the Maithili drama in 1992. 

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